You will need RimWorld Together Server Hosting if you play this game and would like to host private worlds that you are in control of. Players like to be in charge of how they play the game without admins telling them what to do. If you don’t mind spending the small price per month to enjoy this benefit you too can have a private server. Use the host scores below to find the best Rimworld Together server hosting or look at the price list below to find the cheapest.
Game Outline
RimWorld Together is an open sourced and community driven mod that allows you to play MULTIPLAYER, with other people, in the same planet, at the same time, while keeping separate colonies and pace! This mod focuses on creating a seamless and lag free MULTIPLAYER experience, where players can play together with each other, regardless of mods or DLCs, while maintaining the vanilla experience of the game intact!
Oct 17, 2018